Showing 4 Result(s)

Should Freedom of Expression Be Guaranteed on the Internet?

Is freedom of expression a universal and inalienable right? What about free expression posted on the Internet? On April 6, 2015, the UConn Global House Learning Community invited me to participate in a timely panel discussion on how ideas of free speech and freedom of expression vary across the world and how the 21st century …

Breastfeeding Story Finds Audience Through Targeted Social Sharing, Multiple Publication Channels

In May 2014, I gave birth to my second child – a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Since then, most of my time has been devoted to caring for and nourishing my new kid. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding as the optimal source of nutrition for the first year of a baby’s life, which …

If MLK Had Social Media

In honor of the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, the Windsor Historical Society and Archer Memorial AME Zion Church in Windsor, CT invited me to give a presentation on how social media is changing activism and community building. In particular, the organizers asked me to explore how King might have used social media …

Networking: The Value of Conversation

This is the keynote speech I delivered to the Travelers Information Technology Leadership Development Program Annual Session in Hartford, Connecticut on October 13, 2009. Thank you, Tony for your introduction, and thank you members of the Information Technology Leadership Development Program for inviting me to speak today about networking and the value of conversation. I’d …

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