Showing 33 Result(s)

Anvils on my head

I get headaches. Not that often, but when I do, they tend to be raging, nasty headaches that sometimes last from morning ’til night. They first started the year I graduated from college and began my career as a professional journalist. Now, while I do suspect that my job occassionally contributes to my headaches, most …

Misery = Math Genius

Happy, confident students do worse in math, apparently, according to an article today by the Associated Press. “Kids who are turned off by math often say they don’t enjoy it, they aren’t good at it and they see little point in it. Who knew that could be a formula for success? The nations with the …

Remembering 9/11

Shortly after the sad and terrifying events of September 11, 2001, I discovered this website – Here Is New York is an archive, an oral history, an online memorial, a community of contributors, a “democracy of photographs.” Another good website of audio oral histories about 9/11 is Hear people speak about the events in their own words, in their own voices …